• Complete Your Profile: Fill out your profile completely to enhance your suggested Mentors
  • Check the Platform Regularly: Ensure you are checking the platform regularly to take full advantage of the program. New Mentors are added frequently.
  • Personalize Your Approach: When reaching out to Mentors, provide a customized brief message of why you are interested in connecting with them, and share a little bit about yourself.
  • Maintain Professional Communication: Be appropriate and professional in your communications with your Mentor. Remember that these conversations are a reflection of your professional brand. Be courteous of your Mentor's time and schedules when reaching out.
  • Follow Up: You get what you put into this mentoring relationship. Ensure you are following up with your Mentor in a timely manner.
  • Build your Professional Network: Don't forget to connect with your mentor on other platforms such as LinkedIn.
  • Build Your Professional Brand: Keep a LinkedIn account, career portfolio and other platforms up-to-date and professional. Share highlights of your work in places your professional network can view them.
  • Express Appreciation: Always follow up after a conversation with your Mentor to express appreciation for their time and guidance. Stay in touch afterwards to continue building your professional relationship.
  • For additional tips for maximizing your experience with Mentors, please review the  Student Mentee Guide
  • For discussion topics suggestions, review the Job Shadowing and Informational Interviewing Guide.

    Mentoring Do's and Dont's


    • Take initiative in starting conversations and asking questions
    • Accept and incorporate constructive feedback
    • Display professional behavior at all times when interacting in the system and with your Mentor connections
    • Respect the time of your Mentor by having topics ready to discuss prior to any interactions
    • Keep notes in the system to track your interactions, shared goals, and meetings

    Do Not

    • Directly ask your Mentor for a job or internship
    • Expect your mentor have the answer to all of your career related questions. When in doubt, visit us in the Career Center to get additional career advising
    • Use inappropriate language or communicate in ways that are disrespectful, unprofessional or derogatory
    • Be unresponsive to your Mentor. Remember: you get what you put into the mentoring relationship, so check the platform regularly and follow up in a timely manner