Making the Most of Your Mentoring Experience

  • Establish Guidelines and Goals with your student mentee: Discuss how often you would like to communicate, your expectations of the relationship and help the student mentee set goals for your time together

  • Give Constructive Feedback: Student mentees should learn and grow from this experience. By providing feedback, you will provide Student mentee with valuable guidance and advice to shape their professional interactions moving forward

  • Share Your Experiences: Student mentees will learn best from mentors sharing their career journey, struggles and honest insights on their career path.

  • Only Give Advice on Topics You Are Knowledgeable About: Student mentees may ask for advice or questions that you do not know the answer to, or that you don't feel comfortable providing correct information on. Always let your student mentee know up-front where your area of expertise lies so that you can both get the most out of your time together. If you encounter an advice area you're not comfortable discussing, please refer the student mentee to the Career Center.